23 Nisan 2010 Cuma

Can will be married girl who he loves like crazy a week later .Her name is Aybige . They fell in love each other .Can has a best friend who named Ilgaz . Ilgaz is very important to Can and he loves him very much. Because they have known each other since their childhood. But when Ilgaz's mother and father died , he was too young and then he had moved to Germany . His elder brother was being psychological treated in Eskişehir . Before Ilgaz came in Eskişehir , Can had already sent girl friend's photos to Ilgaz . Finally Ilgaz came in Eskişehir in order to attend the wedding of his friend. Surprisingly , Ilgaz treated her too bad . Because of this , Aybige was very upset. One day Aybige bought gift for Ilgaz , in order to be loved by him. But the gift was sent back to her by him. The reason for his behavior to avoid her . Actually Ilgaz fell in love with her so much . But he couldn't tell anyone this. Because his best friend likes her. One day Ilgaz's brother saw her photos in Ilgaz computer and he understood that his brother loves her. This event was last chance to his brother be happy . One day before the wedding , he told to this event Aybige . Firstly, she didn't believe him but then she confused and she began to feel something for him .Unfortunately one day later ,they will marry . She couldn't do anything . The following day was the wedding time . While complete their marriage , wedding was broke by Ilgaz's brother. He told that his brother fall in love her. Because of his mental health problems , anyone believed him . Can and Aybige married. Ilgaz and his brother again returned to Germany . Although they love each other , they couldn't be together .
I loved this movie very much and higly recommend you to watch it. This week , instead of horror movie , I want to tell love story :) I hope you like it:)

1 yorum:

  1. wow.. I didn't know that this movie was so touching. although the same story has been shot as a movie many times in hollywood , I guess this one was first for the turkish viewers..

    thanks for the rewiev. :)
