28 Mart 2010 Pazar


This movie tells an interesting case which occur in prison. Edgecombe who is one of the guards in The Could Mountain Prison lives in a nursing-home while tells his story. The Could Mountain Prison has a electric chair which called ''Old Sparky'' and the prisoners wait their order. One day , a prisoner comes this prison. The man has large massive and heart such as children. His name is John Coffey.He jails on the crime of rape in twin girls and killing them . Then , this man draw attention with owned power and too soft heart to hurt fly . Everybody sees him love of live . Although all guards suspect that he is guilty , none cannot discourage his executed. Paul Edgecombe learns the reality of events and he sures that man is innocent.Unfortunately , he cannot make anything. Actually , the little girls were killed by Will Warton .But when the police found them , girls at John's side. However John thinks to improve them unless be late . Finally his execution had come.Nobody didn't want him to die .While John walks on the ''Green Mile'' , he stopped to the Will Warton's cell and he remembered the killing of the little girls. He said to Will : '' You are very bad man''. Then he sits the electric chair and he punished with death that doesn't deserve.
I love this movie so much and I have watched this movie maybe 3o times:) Every time I watched this film , I feel bad because of John's story.

1 yorum:

  1. stephen king is one of my favourite horror writers :) he writes creepy stories which I don't recommend you to read alone.
    suprisingly, this story is not scary at all. you fell in love with the characters and sypmathize with their touching stories...

    A-must-have both for the library and DVD collection :)

    thank u :)
