21 Mart 2010 Pazar


1) Learning new cultures
  • meeting new people
  • Communicating with foreign people
  • learning their cultures

2)improving personality

  • adding different perspectives
  • learning try to live
  • Increasing students' self-confidence

There are two main positive effects of joining a work and travel program. The first effect is on learning new cultures. Students who join a this program meet new people in there. Therefore, they communicate with foreing people and learn their languages .Thanks to this , students learn their cultures. The second effect is on improving personality. Students who meet new people learn their culture and add different perspectives.Thus, they learn a lot of new ideas from the people who live in there. This leads to students become more open-minded.In addition they learn the difficulty of living in various areas. As a consequence of this , their self-confidence increses.In conclusion , if students want to learn new cultures and improve their personality , they should join a work and travel program.

1 yorum:

  1. very good paragraph well done!!

    however you need to give an example for your ideas. why don't you give one example for the first chain of events and one for the second one. than your paragraph will sound more proffessional :))
